来週月曜からOn-campus Winterimが開始します。多くの友人はでドバイを始め、中国、日本、ニューヨーク、ワシントンDC、コスタリカ、南アフリカ、ヨルダン、メキシコ、ブラジル、香港で行われているWinterimに行っています。私は既にNYのブランドWinterimの昨冬行っているので、Off-campusはこれ以上は必要ありません。オンキャンパスで今冬受講するのは、「Entrepreneur CEO Founder’s Seminar」というコースです。
The Entrepreneurial CEO/Founder Seminar provides an understanding of, and appreciation for, the development and implementation of entrepreneurial strategies and policy development from the perspective of the CEO/Founder of the entrepreneurial enterprise.
In this course, students will follow, from a “been there-done that” point of view, the “story” behind entrepreneurial ventures, and importantly, learn first hand both success and failure factors faced by the entrepreneur/CEO along the way.
The format of the course is a series of case study presentations of very real entrepreneurial ventures as presented by the Founder of the venture. The Founders are encouraged to present the “good, the bad and the ugly” aspects of their entrepreneurial experience.
In addition to the obvious benefit of these shared experiences as told by the CEO/Founders, the seminar provides an intimate setting for interaction and personalization of the introductions the student will have with these entrepreneurial leaders.
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