12/23/08(Mon) Global MBA@Thunderbird (サンダーバード MBA)
2009年5月まで米国アリゾナ州にあるThunderbird School of Global ManagementにMBA留学しておりました。このブログの目的は (1)習得・取得したMBAをどのように活かしていくか(2)MBAホルダーとして感じること(3)今後の日本のグローバル化(4)日本のビジネスが抱えている課題とそれに対する改善策等を皆さんと共有して皆さんと一緒に考えていけるようにする為のものです。対象読者は、(1)MBAを目指す方(2)在学生/卒業生(3)サラリーマン(4)経営者や中堅管理職の皆様です。 其の前にまず皆さんの頭の中に叩き込んで頂きたいのは「チャンスはいつだって誰にだってあること」「努力は成功への道標であること」「諦めた瞬間から悪い方向に落ちていくこと」「プラス志向が幸運をもたらすこと」「運は努力次第で変えられること」「道は自ら切り開いていくもの」ということです。常にポジティブであり続けることが大事なのです。諦めちゃダメですよ!独りで悩む位であれば是非ご相談下さい。(いつかビジネスチャンスがあったら是非私にも声をかけてくださいネ。きっとお役に立ちますョ(笑))
冬期特別授業-Entrepreneur CEO Founder’s Seminar
12/23/08(Mon) Global MBA@Thunderbird (サンダーバード MBA)
コース名は、「Entrepreneur CEO Founder’s Seminar」です。
Course Overview and Description
The Entrepreneurial CEO/Founder Seminar provides an understanding of, and appreciation for, the development and implementation of entrepreneurial strategies and policy development from the perspective of the CEO/Founder of the entrepreneurial enterprise.
In this course, students will follow, from a “been there-done that” point of view, the “story” behind entrepreneurial ventures, and importantly, learn first hand both success and failure factors faced by the entrepreneur/CEO along the way.
The format of the course is a series of case study presentations of very real entrepreneurial ventures as presented by the Founder of the venture. The Founders are encouraged to present the “good, the bad and the ugly” aspects of their entrepreneurial experience.
In addition to the obvious benefit of these shared experiences as told by the CEO/Founders, the seminar provides an intimate setting for interaction and personalization of the introductions the student will have with these entrepreneurial leaders.
Learning Objectives: The Winterim student will be able to:
* Identify and summarize key learning points from each case study presented by the case study venture’s Founder
* Synthesize and present the external factors influencing the success of an entrepreneurial enterprise, as represented by the set of entrepreneurial ventures presented in the course
* Articulate the personal qualities of the entrepreneur as determined by the presenting Founders that are critical to launching an entrepreneurial venture.
コース名は、「Entrepreneur CEO Founder’s Seminar」です。
Course Overview and Description
The Entrepreneurial CEO/Founder Seminar provides an understanding of, and appreciation for, the development and implementation of entrepreneurial strategies and policy development from the perspective of the CEO/Founder of the entrepreneurial enterprise.
In this course, students will follow, from a “been there-done that” point of view, the “story” behind entrepreneurial ventures, and importantly, learn first hand both success and failure factors faced by the entrepreneur/CEO along the way.
The format of the course is a series of case study presentations of very real entrepreneurial ventures as presented by the Founder of the venture. The Founders are encouraged to present the “good, the bad and the ugly” aspects of their entrepreneurial experience.
In addition to the obvious benefit of these shared experiences as told by the CEO/Founders, the seminar provides an intimate setting for interaction and personalization of the introductions the student will have with these entrepreneurial leaders.
Learning Objectives: The Winterim student will be able to:
* Identify and summarize key learning points from each case study presented by the case study venture’s Founder
* Synthesize and present the external factors influencing the success of an entrepreneurial enterprise, as represented by the set of entrepreneurial ventures presented in the course
* Articulate the personal qualities of the entrepreneur as determined by the presenting Founders that are critical to launching an entrepreneurial venture.
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