
2nd Trimester(学期)の授業(コース概要について)

2/4/2008 (Mon) - Thunderbird MBA 2nd Trimester

Winterimについてはまだ投稿準備中です。Global Brand Managementについては今暫くお待ち下さい。その間、今学期の授業についてご紹介します。

2nd Trimesterの前期は4コマの授業です。
・Global Marketing Strategy
・Regional Business Environment(Asia)
・Financial Management
・Financial Accounting & External Reporting



・Global Marketing Strategy

This course is designed to develop your analytical and decision making skills in international marketing strategy. Additionally, it will provide you with the opportunity to sharpen your written and oral communication skills. The course provides and applies a conceptual framework of marketing strategy and then develops the analytical skill set necessary for the process of marketing.

・Regional Business Environment(Asia)

Businesses confront significant differences among countries in regard to industry structures as well as economic, political, societal, and cultural forces. These differences create new challenges and opportunities for a business as it extends its activities internationally. Nowhere is the variation in operating environments more extreme and volatile than the Asian countries. Given the tremendous diversity and rapidly changing business environment in the Asian region, it is important for global managers to address two critical questions: (1) among the multitude of forces impacting a country’s business environment, what factors are important to analyze? and, (2) how to assess the implications of these factors for business strategies? This course provides a systematic analysis of political, economic, societal/cultural context of doing business in Asia. The first part of the course provides an analytical approach to study the dynamics of business environment in Asia. The second part of the course focuses on individual country cases: Singapore, China, Japan, and India. Throughout the second part of the course, we will focus on current issues relevant to understanding the business environment in Asia.

・Financial Management

This course is the second finance module. It centers on the firm’s financing decisions. The focus will be on the following topics:

  • Risk, return and market efficiency. Specifically, what have historical risks and returns been in the major classes of real and financial assets, domestic and foreign
  • Risk and return in equity assets. In particular, the mean-variance paradigm of risk and return and concepts of diversification leading up to the primary characterization of equity instrument risk: beta (Capital Asset Pricing Model)
  • Risk and return in debt assets. Here we describe bond contract characteristics as well as how we evaluate the default risk and interest rate risk (duration) of fixed-income assets. We analyze the impact of high levels of leverage.
  • We then turn to how a firm uses these external sources of finance in order to raise capital for the funding of its investments. This includes discussion of the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), impact of leverage on beta, etc.
  • Capital structure theory. This topic analyzes how the amount of debt in a firm’s capital structure influences its investment decisions, WACC and valuation.
  • Finally, in order to tie these topics together we briefly analyze firm valuation.
・Financial Accounting & External Reporting

This course focuses on the key accounting methods that impact a company’s financial statements. Management may have incentives to engage in earnings management to improve the firm’s reported financial performance, and thereby, artificially increase the firm’s equity value and/or reduce the firm’s perceived credit risk. Accounting analysis – often called quality of earnings analysis – attempts to detect and “undo” management’s distortions so that the accounting numbers better reflect the underlying economic reality of the accounting events. The accounting analysis is conducted on the major asset, liability and stockholders’ equity categories. In addition, the course discusses the use of financial statement and other information in estimating the value of a company’s equity securities. Throughout the course we will examine the annual.



アメフト- スーパーボール (アリゾナ州グレンデールより)

2/3/2008 (Sun) Thunderbird MBA @ Glendale Arizona

先ほどNFL - Super Bowlの試合が終わりました。素晴らしい試合でしたね。
New York Giants vs. New England Patriotsは最後の逆転勝ちでNYGが17対14で勝ちました!

今回のSuper Bowlですが、実は私が住んでいるアリゾナ州のしかも私が住んでいる(大学院がある)Glendale市の競技場で行われました。7万人強の観戦のようなことを試合前に言ってましたが、よくまぁこの街にここまでの人が集まるなぁと驚いています。(NFLのSuperBowl効果でちょっとは街も潤うかもしれません。)どうしてこんな街で行われるのかは不思議ですが、でも、アリゾナも捨てたもんじゃないなぁと思いました。


友達からSuper Bowl中に流れるCMに関する興味深い記事を教えてもらいました。

企業がそれだけの費用をかけてコマーシャル枠を購入するのは、Super Bowlの視聴率がとても高いということだけではなく、
視聴者の心をつかむCMを流すことにより、Super Bowlが終わった後にもYouTube等で再度見てもらうことも目的の一つだそうです。

マーケティング、ブランド・マーケティングを始めMBAで学んでいることのいくつかのファクターがこのSuper Bowlの裏側から読み取れるのではないでしょうか。私はいつも試合にしか興味がありませんでしたが、こういった記事を読むとあらゆるイベントの裏で違うビジネスがしっかりと働いていることがよく理解できます。




(PR)優勝したNew York GiantsのTシャツ、ジャケット、小物など欲しいものが揃ってます!(必見)