Business Consulting Tools:
Course Overview
This is an introductory applications course exploring the profession and practice of organizational consulting. The narrow view of consulting is limited to the field of private sector management consulting and those firms that are dedicated to its practice. A broader view acknowledges that mastery of the skills and practices required in planning, executing, and delivering a consulting project is useful to anyone considering a career in management, whether in the private, public, or NGO sectors. The goal of this course is to provide students with an introduction to consulting as it is generally practiced across sectors. Students will pursue this goal by undertaking a consulting engagement for a real-world client organization.
Effort will be placed on developing proficiencies in a range of process and technical skills required to practice consulting. Students will be provided an opportunity to become familiar with the typical phases in a consulting project: contracting, discovery and data collection, feedback and the decision to act, engagement and implementation, and disengagement.
The primary objectives of the course are to: 1) provide an overview of external and internal organizational consulting; 2) provide a direct application experience; and 3) provide participants an opportunity to develop a set of skills that will add value and depth to their personal and professional capabilities.
While this class will be concerned with internal consulting, an emphasis will be placed on external consulting. Internal consulting is often defined by line and staff relationships with in-house consultants (staff) serving the professional and organizational needs of line personnel. The skills we will explore will have utility in both internal and external consulting arenas but, of necessity, will be applied in an external consulting relationship environment.
The class is not preparatory for a career with organizations such as McKinsey & Associates. It is a basics class that will emphasize:
1) The interpersonal and communications skills necessary for building trust and client confidence;
2) Strategies for assuring client participation and project ownership;
3) Managing client resistance;
4) Exposure to a variety of processes and interventions useful in the consulting arena; and, importantly;
5) Building client capacity to address similar challenges independently in the future.
Leading Change & Transformation:
This course will (1) increase your understanding of the nature of organizational change (through conceptual frameworks, readings and discussions), (2) increase your skill in managing change (through a project) and (3) enhance your sensitivity to the contribution and consequences of the human element as related to change. As a pivotal requirement of this course, you will create and manage a change project. This project will be the platform through which you will apply the issues and concepts that we cover in this course. Project efforts and analyses will include (1) the nature of the change agreement, (2) the goals of the change, (3) the identification and management of key stakeholders, (4) the challenges faced as change agents, (5) your own and you’re a client’s assessment of the relative success and failure of the change, and (6) the lessons learned in completing this leading change project.
Topics in Global Business Independent Research;
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