先週から秋学期の後期が開始しました。通期の授業は、Global Enterprise(アントレの授業)とGlobal Business Plan(事業計画書やビジネスプランを書いて提案する授業)が前期から続いていますが、後期から新たに開始した3つの授業を今日はご紹介します。どれも私の興味のあるモノばかりです。多くの日本人同級生はファイナンス系の仲間が多く、どちらかというとこういった授業はあまり好きではないようですが、私はこういった分野にひかれてしまいます!
・Global Leadership
・Global Negotiation
・Managing Projects
・Global Leadership
Course Overview:
In our exceedingly complex world, there is an increased interest in leadership; especially at the global level. The objectives of the course are to gain insights about the nature of outstanding, as well as ordinarily effective and ineffective leadership. The overall objective of this course is to heighten your intellectual understanding in ways useful in your upcoming careers. Through the knowledge shared by our class speakers, the students will learn firsthand of the leaders’ experience across the organization.
Class Learning Objectives:
1. Critically examine the notions of organizational leadership and management, understanding their similarities and differences.
2. Identify and discuss the interrelationships among the concepts, principles, and theories taught in this leadership course.
3. Compare and contrast behavior of leaders from a variety of cultures; examine how leadership behavior consistent with cultural norms is more accepted than behavior inconsistent with cultural norms.
4. Analyze various leadership styles, discerning their strengths and limitations, and their particular application in the daily operation of a company or agency.
5. Examine how leaders discern the accuracy of their vision, utilize power, embrace risk and develop strategic action plans.
6. Articulate the core characteristics and skills associated with visionary, dynamic, innovative leaders, and develop their own perspective on the traits of an effective leader.
7. Develop the ability to assess what types of leadership approaches are effective in particular workplace situations, and explain why.
8. Discuss the relevance and application of the concepts and principles examined in this leadership course to contemporary events
9. Explore your personal growth in regards to the competencies, goals, or skills you identified during the semester
10. Generate reasonable methods for implementing leadership activities needed to solve organizational problems.
11. Evaluate the quality of their proposed leadership activities against appropriate criteria used in leadership studies, including organizational constraints.
・Global Negotiation
Course Objectives:
The course will provide students with knowledge, skills, insights, and experience necessary to be a communicatively competent international manager and negotiator. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
* Understand theories of cross-cultural negotiation and how these impact business interactions
* Gain insight into personal and cultural "baggage" that influences your cognitive, affective, and negotiation behavioral processes
* Expand skills in achieving communication and negotiating competence through the understanding and practice of increased appropriateness, flexibility, and adaptability
・Managing Projects
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Recognize universal project success factors and appreciate the adaptations appropriate to various business sectors, geopolitical environments, and cultural contexts.
- Understand the roles a project manager must balance in order to effectively deliver project results, offer vision and direction to a team, manage the expectations of multiple stakeholders, motivate participants, and lead without formal authority.
- Create a business case for a project, including a clear project purpose, underlying problem or opportunity statements, goals, strategic options, and financial analysis.
- Develop a project plan, including elements such as the charter, WBS, stakeholder analysis, time estimates, budgeting, uncertainty assessment, schedule, and control systems.
- Understand the role of resource constraints within and among projects, and adjust schedules to accommodate resource conflicts.
- Evaluate project performance based on a balanced set of key performance indicators.
- Apply critical thinking to assess project situations and devise an appropriate tactical and strategic responses.
- Reinforce the project management knowledge and vocabulary you have gained from your own experience and previous training.
- Present yourself to a potential employer as someone who understands project management concepts and has a mastery of universally-recognized project management tools and terms.
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